Saturday, June 25, 2011

What Is Ignorance And Who is ignorant?

 Facebook post by a dear friend...

“Those people who are against same sex marriage were probably against mixed race marriage back in 50s and 60s. Ignorance can be so harmful....I mean look how great I turned out ;).”

Ignorance can be very harmful, I agree.  The notion that people who are against same sex marriage are the same people that are or were against interracial marriage is the antithesis of the truth. Being “against” same sex marriage, is the same as being “for” marriage”…the preservation of what marriage has always been defined as. The foundation for this fact is found in the Bible just like the foundation of the concept of night and day, our 7 day week and our year we are living in to mention a few simple things. In contrast there is nothing in the Bible condemning “interracial” marriage. 
Ignorance is a lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc. If one believes in the preservation of Marriage, it is not logical to deduce they hate gay people. If one believes in life beginning at conception it is not logical to deduce they don’t believe in rights of women. If one opposes inter-racial marriage it is not logical to make an analogy of beliefs concerning inter-racial marriage and same-sex marriage. 

Opinions are different to beliefs and values. I will show my friend's comment was unfounded in truth, assuming the comment she was making referenced common beliefs of people of faith. 

Check this out, I googled interracial marriage and this is one opinion I found…

OPINION of writer:
“What The HOLY BIBLE Says About Race Mixing
  Liberal ministers have had a very difficult time reconciling the Holy Bible with their crusade to promote inter-racial marriage. Quite frankly, the Bible demands Segregation of the different races. 
(He gives 3 scriptural reasons)

The Apostle Paul: Acts 17:24-28 says that God made man "and hath determined the bounds of their habitation

***Scripture:        Acts 17:24-28
God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;  Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things. And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us. For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

Did the author of this text just forget to reference the parts surrounding “bounds of their habitation?
All life; all things; one blood; all nations; every one of us; for WE are also His offspring…
Bounds of Habitation obviously means Bounds of Sin not Bounds of Race!
" Genesis 28:1, says that the Canaanites (blacks) were the "servants of servants" and Isaac called Jacob and said unto him, "Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan." 

***DEFINITION:  What is a Canaanite?
1. a member of a Semitic people that inhabited parts of ancient Palestine and were conquered by the Israelites and largely absorbed by them.
2. a group of Semitic languages, including Hebrew and Phoenician, spoken chiefly in ancient Palestine and Syria

How does this writer deduce that Canaanites were Black people or any other race of people other than white? When you read the whole thought  (Genesis 28:1-22) God is distinctly referring to SIN not RACE.

Canaanites are not (blacks). The Canaanites became so accustomed to doing evil that they had lost the ability to change.

Jeremiah 13:23 stresses the fact that we cannot make white people out of the Negroes in these words: "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots." This could be interpreted as a warning that Negroes could breed Whites down into mongrels but that we can never breed them up into Whites. 

***Scripture:        Jeremiah 13:23-24 
“Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Then may ye also do good,  that are accustomed to do evil.

***QUESTION:            Back when scripture was written, who were the Ethiopians? Are they the fast black people that we see in the Olympics winning marathons?
“Ethiopia has close historical ties to all three of the world's major Abrahamic religions. It was one of the first Christian countries in the world, having officially adopted Christianity as the state religion in the 4th century. It has a Christian majority and a third of the population is Muslim.” 
The key phrase in the reason NO. 3 is “This could be interpreted…” Yes if you leave out the next sentence that speaks of "good" and "evil" Again, God is speaking of SIN not RACE!

As Americans we have the right to voice our opinions without being persecuted. But, with that said, it is our obligation that when we voice our opinions or make a stand that we can back up that statement with a foundation of truth through the study of history and personal belief. It is quite ironic and funny because the only people I have ever known to oppose inter-racial marriage are black people themselves. The reason for this was their desire to preserve their heritage and culture. I can understand that, I don’t call it racist towards me as a white person.  This writer I referenced was actually a conservative "religious" person; however much like Harold Camping, the pastor that predicted the end of the world last month, the argument set forth, the Bible demands Segregation of the different races, has no scriptural truth or foundation.

In closing before believing what we hear and what others tell us is true, we need to read and cross reference for ourrselves and make our own decisions of what is truth. 


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