Thursday, June 2, 2011

I feel so incredibly blessed. I am sitting in bed in my room at the Fairmont Orchid in Kona. I arrived yesterday and waiting for Greg to arrive in an hour. There are so many times I look out to God’s amazing creation and all I can do is be amazed. Hardly a moment goes by in my life that my mind does not drift back to the amazing glory of our God and my gratefulness to Him for all that this day is.

Anyway, I am reading this great book, ”Unlocking the last Days,” by Jeff Lasseigne.  We just finished our Wednesday night study on Revelation at Horizon so I couldn’t wait to learn more.  I had never read Revelation before so I found it fascinating and I tried not to miss Wednesday nights at Horizon. I wanted to read this book because it travels verse by verse through the entire book of Revelation. Wow what a journey and I am only halfway through!

  ** Hey, here are some fun questions that are revealed in the language of Revelation…

·      Why is 7 commonly thought of as “lucky?”

·      Why is it that our night and shining dream guy (ladies) always rides in on a white horse to sweep us off our feet?

·      Why do we raise our right hand when we are sworn to oath?

            The number 7 is of great significance

7 golden lampshades – the 7 churches
7 stars - God’s messengers or angels
7 spirits before His throne
7 horns (omnipotent-all powerful) and 7 eyes (omniscient-all knowing) - Jesus as the lamb in Revelation
7 Trumpets and 7 judgments - The Great Tribulation

7 years - The Tribulation Period

“7” - the number of perfection

 The White Horse Rider

Our earthly night and shining armored dream guy shows up on a white horse in our dreams. In chapter 6 (After the "rapture" of God’s people and the beginning of God’s divine wrath on earth) we read about a rider on a white horse that was given a bow and a crown and comes to conquer. This rider is actually the Antichrist. Rev 19 tells us, when the heavens open up at the end of the Great Tribulation Jesus will come again and He will be riding atop a white horse and he will be called
Faithful and True.
The Bible is so fascinating because it is filled with parallels of how we interpret things today like this Happily ever after story with the white horse and the Prince that comes to save. John’s vision of the false messiah in Chapter 6 is a warning to all God’s people that Jesus is the only one that can ride into our lives on a white horse and truly save us. 

“I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth,
so help me God.”

Rev 10:5-7 “The angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised up his hand to heaven and swore by Him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and the things that are in it…”
When we read the Bible it confirms over and over again that God’s Holy Word divinely formed our nation and its foundation.

The book of Revelation is pretty intense so I thought these few interpretations within the language was fun to point out.  That’s all for now.


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