Monday, December 12, 2011

You Can Know Of His Power But Never Know His Person

If we really understood the magnitude of glory that His Kingdom brings, the miracle of Christmas wouldn’t be so much about, trees, parties, Santa, gifts and everything else we spend our time getting ready for; Christmas would be more about the person behind the Christmas curtain.

The Old Testament, Exodus 33:18. Moses asks God to “Please show me your Glory (the essence of God, who is He?).” Moses wants to see God!! Even since the time of Moses thousands of years ago people still want to see God.

The single greatest accomplishment of God was sending his son to live as a man so all could SEE God and know Him intimately and personally.

We all desire intimacy - (in-to-me-see ) in our relationships, friendships & marriages. Why not God? If you seek God daily in your life when was it that you switched from knowing about God to knowing God?

Don’t let this New Year start without building intimacy with our God who promises to keep you from stumbling, present you faultless, give you exceeding joy and who alone has more wisdom than anything or anybody of this world.

Don't treat Jesus as a guest this Christmas and don’t be satisfied by only knowing of His power at Christmas time, everyday, I pray, you thirst to know more of His person in 2012. I know I will.

Isaiah 60:5. ... And your heart shall swell with JOY

I pray this prayer for you this Christmas…

Jude :24-25 ..Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless. Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. To God our Savior, Who alone is wise
      Be glory and majesty,
      Dominion and power
      Both now and forever.

Blessings and Merry Christmas,