Friday, May 20, 2011

It Is A Serious Day

It is a serious day. A day to start to pay close attention. A day to seek truth. A day to decide what you believe in. And most importantly it is a day to pray.

I will take a few steps back before explaining why today is this kind of day.

Time is linear in the Bible,  meaning a beginning, a middle and an end.
There is a popular idea that God is going to come down to this world we live and make this world we know a better place in the end.

The Bible tells us exactly what is going to happen. Why is the Bible a reliable source? Fulfillment of prophecy in the past.

There are 5 prophecies unfulfilled that mark the end of times. Why is today different from other times???? We are witnessing the “Worse Ever” of everything.

I guess there is a big date that is looming, May 21, 2011. I just heard about it a few days ago actually. I goggled it and learned that a Christian radio host named Harold Camping made this prediction of the End Times.  I would expect all Christians that are knowledgeable with scripture to laugh at this prediction because only the Father in Heaven knows WHEN the end will come, not even Jesus knew.

For the record, Harold Camping is a false “prophet” one of many in history that are in cahoots with Satan to harden hearts toward the TRUTH. So if you are holding your breath for Saturday…don’t. Use that time to read Revelation, if you are a believer, it will give you peace.
Now to today’s developments. President Obama made a speech concerning Israel and the US policy on its future relationship with Israel. I don’t think this is surprising to anyone that really stopped to listen to what Obama's promises in his campaign. Our President has made no secrets about his policy and support of the Middle East and the Israeli situation. This was inevitable. As a Christian I have learned why the survival and protection of Israel is vital to Israel and the US.

Rev 22:7 7 “Look, I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy written in this scroll.”

We have to ask ourselves, “Why is America so blessed as a nation?”

5 strategic prophetic trends to ponder over…

1.     Emergence of a One World Economic System-Britain’s IMF calls for global currency. Timothy Geitner said America is open to a One-World Economy.
2.       Middle East Instability-1979 Iranian Revolution overthrew the government and replaced with Islamic Republic. Same thing is happening all over Middle East. Gaza Strip 2005 Palestinians gained territory and voted Hamas into power. (Hamas’ goal is wipe Israel off the map). The ratio of Muslims to Jews is 65:1.
3      Earthquakes &
4      Natural Disasters- WORST EVER, increasing in intensity & frequency
a.     Indian Ocean Tsunami- 3rd largest EVER recorded
b.     Indonesia 2007
c.      American Samoa 2009-
d.     Hurricane Katrina- OMG
e.     Haiti Jan 2010-3 million affected, 1 million homeless
f.      Chile Feb 2010 earthquake 8.8
g.     New Zealand Feb 2011-Earthquakes
h.     Queensland, Australia 2010-Flooding-Devastating
i.       Japan …9.0 if not biggest must be close
j.       Mississippi River-Flooding, worst EVER
k.     More tornados recorded EVER….
5.            Rise Of China
            China believes that war with US is inevitable.

1               Keep your eyes on Jesus- Peter began to sink in the boat when he took his eyes off Jesus. Also, if you are a believer, what is the worst thing that can happen? You don’t get to take all your lovely possessions of this world? UMMMMM, maybe that is the point and something to look forward to. PEACE
2               Get your house in order- If there is something you are hiding or something you are ashamed of …REPENT of it!!! Be Ready
3               PRAY for a revival and awakening. This is the only Hope for America. Do not give up hope because there has not been a “Great Awakening” for over 30 years so as history always repeats (unless the end), this is our Hope and Prayer.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Why Notes Of Wisdom?

The feeling I got each day in Israel is a very similar feeling I get after every message I receive during my week. I love to read and research and so many times after church I want to come home and dive deeper into what God was speaking to me about. I didn’t know that I was a writer but, apparently I have found a new talent (so people have told me since writing my Foot Steps Of Israel blog) through my calling to share God’s messages; thus, I am writing “Notes Of Wisdom “

I am excited to begin this blog not only for my own spiritual growth and understanding but also for anyone else that is interested to follow along with me. Thanks for reading and all comments are welcomed.
